Located at the center of Northeast Asia, the Korean Peninsula neighbors China, Russia, and Japan. Under the World Geodetic System, it lies between 33 and 43 degrees north latitude and 124 and 132 degrees east longitude. The Peninsula (including both North and South Koreas) is 1,000 km long and 300 km wide on average, and its total land area is 222,000 km2. The total land area of South Korea (below the Military Demarcation Line) is around 100,364 km2.

Korea is surrounded by the sea on three sides, except for the northern side. The total extension of the coastlines is 17,000 km (including islands). The East Sea is characterized by its deep waters and simpler coastlines, whereas the West and South Seas are shallower, with complicated coastlines and more islands. Each of the three seas offers distinctive features and a wide array of oceanic atmospheres: the East Sea with its clean and deep water; the West Sea with its mud flats thriving with life; and the South Sea with its numerous islands (which earned the sea its nickname: Dadohae, or the sea of many islands).

* For more detailed information check here.


South Korea has the 29th largest population in the world at around 51.63 million as of 2022. However, 50.49% of the population lives in the Seoul Capital Area (SCA, mainly consisting of Seoul and Gyeonggi-do), indicating severe population gaps among regions.

* For more detailed information check here.


Korea has a mild climate with four distinctive seasons. The migratory anticyclones make for sunny and dry spring and autumn, whereas the country’s summer is heavily affected by the hot and humid North Pacific anticyclone. During winter, the effect of the continental anticyclone from the north keeps the country dry and cold.

The average yearly temperature in Korea ranges between 7 and 15℃. The country is the coldest in January, with an average monthly temperature ranging between -6.9 and 3.6℃. In spring and autumn, the weather is mostly sunny and pleasant with the average daytime temperature between 15 and 18℃, making the seasons perfect for outdoor activities or travels.

* For more detailed information check here.

Time Zone

Time zone: UTC +9 hours

* For more detailed information check here.

Emergency Calls

Police Department: +82-112
Fire Department: +82-119
Medical Emergencies: +82-119
Infectious Disease Emergencies: +82-1339

* For more detailed information check here.

Korean Currency

Korea's official monetary unit is the won.

Currency Converter

www.xe.com/currencyconverter (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Arabic)

* For more detailed information check here.