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Privacy Policy

1. The purposes for which personal information is collected and used.

We will collect and use the following items in order to arrange and hold the 23rd Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations Congress(FAVA 2024), such as registration and confirmation, personal authentication, delivery of letter of appreciation, and provision of information regarding events, etc.

2. Items of personal information to be collected:

Name, Nationality, Affiliation, Department, Mobile number and E-mail address, etc.

3. The period for which personal information is held and used.

1 year (Collected personal information will be discarded as soon as the purposes are attained.)

The owner of the information has a right to reject to provide his/her personal information. In this case, he/she may not be able to participate in the 23rd Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations Congress (FAVA 2024).